Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeBusinessRetirement Fund Not Stretching? Here's What Might Be Up

Retirement Fund Not Stretching? Here’s What Might Be Up

Envisioning sunset views and peace in retirement? Wait a sec! A few warning signs might hint that your savings tank isn’t as full as it should be.

  1. Long-Term Care – Are You Prepped?

Newsflash: hitting 65 means there’s a chance you’ll need some form of long-term care. And, well, it’s a bit pricy. Think around $54,000 for a year in 2021.

But hang tight! There are lifelines like insurance and annuities. Smart move? Sync up with a pro in long-term care planning.

  1. Reckon You’ve Got 20 Retirement Years? Might Be More!

A bunch of 65-year-olds today might still be around and kicking at 90. If you’ve stashed cash for 20 years, but you’re living the dream for 30, you’ll need to rejig the maths.

Quick fix: Dive into to estimate your lifespan. And make sure you’ve got a varied mix of retirement incomes.

  1. Set Up a Health Kit?

Healthcare can be a sneaky money-gobbler. Many might need over $250,000 for it. And a duo kicking off retirement in 2022? They’re likely looking at $315,000.

Game plan? Be sure to add these monster numbers into your retirement goal. And once you’re living the dream, make sure to pick the Medicare plan that’s just right.

Curious for all the deets?

[Dive deeper for the whole checklist.]


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