Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeBusinessDecoding the Deep-Seated Beliefs That Guide Your Finances

Decoding the Deep-Seated Beliefs That Guide Your Finances

When it comes to money, it’s not just about the practical advice we follow. It’s deeply rooted in our emotions towards cash. Oddly enough, these inner feelings can sometimes make us behave unexpectedly with our finances. Dr. Alex Melkumian is of the opinion that to truly master our money, we need to first get a grip on these underlying emotions.

Enter Dr. Bradley Klontz, who labels these feelings as “money scripts.” Think of them as invisible guidelines we have about money, embedded in our psyche. Here’s a glimpse into a few of these “money scripts”:

  1. Money Avoidance: There are people who are apprehensive about accumulating wealth. Their belief might be that affluence equates to being heartless. Such beliefs can deter them from actively managing their finances. Klontz’s way out? Observe affluent individuals who do good and take inspiration from them.
  1. Money Worship: Here, individuals perceive money as the ultimate solution to life’s problems. Their belief is that abundance equates to happiness. However, the reality is that money can’t guarantee eternal happiness. Klontz advises zeroing in on things that truly resonate with happiness, beyond just their monetary value.

[Want to learn more about these money scripts and how they mold your financial choices? Delve deeper here to see the full list.]


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