Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeBusinessStash Your Cash Wisely Amidst Rising Costs

Stash Your Cash Wisely Amidst Rising Costs

The economy’s inflationary trend is putting a squeeze on the possibility of creating a safety net of savings. Notwithstanding efforts to combat inflation, prices continue to escalate.

But, it’s possible to pad your emergency fund with some basic planning. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Itemize your expenses

Know your monthly outgoings by listing them out, advises financial advisor Lori Gross. This process will give you a clear view of how much you can save for emergencies. The amount of emergency savings you need can vary, but a good rule of thumb is to have three to twelve months of living expenses saved up.

2. Prioritize consistent saving

Build your emergency fund with regular deposits. Sam Waltman, a wealth advisor, suggests treating a fixed amount of your income as a compulsory saving deposit and arranging for it to automatically go into a dedicated savings account.

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